Orbita Hotel is located in Minsk. This hotel is located 4 km from the city center, within walking distance from Pushkinskaya metro station. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel complex. To services of visitors: a pizzeria, restaurant. Parking is provided for travelers by car. For business people the hotel offers a conference hall and a meeting room with full technical equipment for presentations and business meetings. The hotel room fund consists of 276 rooms with a one-time accommodation of more than 400 people. It offers: rooms of different price range. One-two-room rooms of the highest category of "luxury" class and "apartments", of the first category of "comfort", "standard" class. All rooms are equipped in accordance with the norms and standards for hotels of the category "three stars" in the Republic of Belarus. In the rooms of the highest category, air conditioners are additionally installed, there are slippers, bathrobes, dental kits, and a hairdryer in the bathroom.
Orbita Hotel is located in Minsk. This hotel is located 4 km from the city center, within walking distance from Pushkinskaya metro station.
Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel complex. To services of visitors: a pizzeria, restaurant. Parking is provided for travelers by car. For business people the hotel offers a conference hall and a meeting room with full technical equipment for presentations and business meetings.
The hotel room fund consists of 276 rooms with a one-time accommodation of more than 400 people. It offers: rooms of different price range. One-two-room rooms of the highest category of "luxury" class and "apartments", of the first category of "comfort", "standard" class. All rooms are equipped in accordance with the norms and standards for hotels of the category "three stars" in the Republic of Belarus. In the rooms of the highest category, air conditioners are additionally installed, there are slippers, bathrobes, dental kits, and a hairdryer in the bathroom.
8.6During the period from 07/09/2024 to 07/22/2024 there will be no hot water supply at the hotel. It will turn on in the morning from 06:00 AM to 11:00 AM and in the evening from 05:00 PM to 12:00 AM.
Services and amenities
Tourist services
Beauty and wellness