Free Wifi
Accommodation summary

V Moskve Flat is located near the Zyuzino metro station. Guests can walk nearby. Free Wi-Fi is available on the territory.

Available rooms

About this property


V Moskve Flat is located near the Zyuzino metro station. Guests can walk nearby.

In the flat

Free Wi-Fi is available on the territory.



Check-In/Out Details

Check-in time 14:00Check-out time 12:00

Additional info

Russian citizens must have an original Russian passport upon arrival. Tea and coffee are included in the standard apartment package. Parties are prohibited in the apartments. Silence is required after 11:00 PM. Guests must be careful with things, towels, linen and dishes. Smoking in the apartments is strictly prohibited. Reporting documents are provided for employees on business trips. The administrator is available from 09:00 AM to 10:00 PM. The apartments have a 24-hour contactless check-in, but in case of late check-in, payment must be made before 09:00 PM. No deposit is required. Guest verification is carried out through the Apartsharing application, with the signing of the offer agreement. All data is protected and verified by the Roskomnadzor security key.


steppers Internet

  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Internet access

steppers Meals

  • Kitchen