
Verfügbare Zimmer



Check-In/Out Details

Check-in-Zeit 14:00Check-out Zeit 12:00

Zusätzliche Informationen

China unterliegt in Hinblick auf geografische Daten Beschränkungen, wobei aus Gründen der nationalen Sicherheit ein Verunschärfungsalgorithmus, der Breiten- und Längengraden zufällige Offsets hinzufügt, verwendet wird.

Mandatory Fees and Taxes

  • According to local authorities: From July 7, 2020, travellers who have been in middle and high risk areas of COVID-19 within 14 days must hold a certificate of negative nucleic acid test result issued no more than 7 days prior to arrival, or be able to show a Green Health code with a negative nucleic acid test result. Otherwise they will be tested or quarantined at designated facilities for 14-days immediately after arriving at their first destination. The above information is for reference only, please check the local regulations in detail before travel to avoid any inconvenience.