Vous dormirez à poings fermés ! Hôtel «Pension U Wondracku» est situé in Krkonose National Park. Cet hôtel est situé à 12 km du centre-ville.
Vous dormirez à poings fermés ! Hôtel «Pension U Wondracku» est situé in Krkonose National Park. Cet hôtel est situé à 12 km du centre-ville.
Payment must be made in local currency at the exchange rate on the day of payment or in EUR. Guests paying in local currency or by credit card might notice a difference in room rate due to the currency exchange rates. Please note that during winter, the guesthouse might not be accessible by road after heavy snow fall. In this case, guests will be offered a spacious parking place directly in Dolni Mala Upa. Please note that guests arriving by car have to pay the road toll per car per day.