Discover the unique landscape of Lanzarote, and enjoy some winter sun, based on the island's east coast. Lanzarote offers some spectacularly scenic walking along rugged coastlines and beaches, through white-washed villages and lunar landscapes with dramatic volcanic scenery.Cesar Manrique - Discover some of the artist's influences across the islandFamara Cliffs - Marvel at these towering cliffs, the defining feature of the north of the islandFood and Wine - Enjoy fresh seafood and local wines
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Informations générales
ID de la tour124718
Durée de la tournée8jours
Taille du groupe16
Tranche d'âge16 - 85
Exécuté par
Point de départ
19, Av. del Mar, 35508 Costa Teguise, Las Palmas, Spain
Apartamentos Santa Rosa, Hotel reception
Point d'arrivée
19, Av. del Mar, 35508 Costa Teguise, Las Palmas, Spain
Apartamentos Santa Rosa, Hotel reception
Déplier tout
Day 1: Join trip in Costa Teguise
Day 2: Descend from Femes through the Ajaches Hills to Playa Quemada
Day 3: Cliff top Walk to Mirador del Rio
Day 4: Walk through the scenery of Timanfaya
Day 5: Free day. Opportunity to visit La Graciosa Island
Day 6: Walk from Haria Village to Famara Beach
Day 7: Walk along the east coast to Arrieta via fishing village