Explore the natural wonders of Western Australia from Broome to Perth in a 4WD with like-minded travellers. Spend your nights under a blanket of stars and your days swimming in hidden watering holes and waterfalls, snorkelling among turtles, relaxing on Eighty Mile Beach, exploring national parks like Karijini, Nambung and Kalbarri, watching spectacular sunsets, wandering around the Shark Bay World Heritage area and taking on some fun, active optional activities in your free time. On some days of this trip, you'll spend many hours driving through very sparse areas of Australia. Sit back and enjoy landscapes that you'd miss in any other form of travel. Extra space can be tight, and conditions may feel a little cramped. Think of it as a great way to get to know your fellow travellers. The drive days can be long, but it's as much about the journey as the destination, and half the fun is the camaraderie!Accommodation on this trip involves camping out in nature or staying in backpacker-style dormitory accommodation, including bunk beds, so the facilities are very basic. It is a trip for either younger, fit travellers or the young at heart and fit in body! A lack of emphasis on creature comforts makes this an authentic experience of the Australian outback. Some locations will have little to no Internet connection or phone service. This trip involves activities like hiking on uneven terrain and clambering over boulders. It is best suited to travellers with good mobility and fitness. Details on physical activities can be found in the itinerary.
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Informations générales
ID de la tour253689
Durée de la tournée10jours
Taille du groupe20
Tranche d'âge18 - 99
Exécuté par
Intrepid Travel
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Day 1: Broome / Eighty Mile Beach
Day 2: Port Hedland / Karijini National Park
Day 3: Karijini National Park
Day 4: Karijini National Park
Day 5: Exmouth
Day 6: Ningaloo Reef / Coral Bay
Day 7: Ningaloo Reef / Coral Bay
Day 8: Shell Beach / Shark Bay
Day 9: Shark Bay / Kalbarri National Park
Day 10: Kalbarri National Park / Pinnacles / Perth