Two week holidays are for the time poor, and that ain't you. A month and a half will get you through an entire Europe guidebook. From Romania to Switzerland & Istanbul to Amsterdam, you're about to cover some serious ground. With included flights and ferries and enough activities to take your breath away, this is nothing short of a trip of a lifetime. And it's all topped off with a trip to the exotic lands of Egypt.
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Informations générales
ID de la tour291581
Durée de la tournée45jours
Taille du groupe49
Tranche d'âge18 - 35
Exécuté par
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Day 1: London to Paris
Day 2: Paris
Day 3: Paris to Swiss Alps
Day 4: Swiss Alps
Day 5: Swiss Alps to Beaujolais Wine Region via Geneva
Day 6: Beaujolais Wine Region
Day 7: Beaujolais Wine Region to Barcelona
Day 8: Barcelona
Day 9: Barcelona to French Riviera via Arles
Day 10: French Riviera
Day 11: French Riviera to Venice
Day 12: Venice
Day 13: Venice to Florence
Day 14: Florence to Rome
Day 15: Rome
Day 16: Rome to Adriatic Ferry
Day 17: Adriatic Ferry to Athens
Day 18: Athens to Cairo
Day 19: Cairo to Aswan
Day 20: Aswan
Day 21: Aswan to Luxor
Day 22: Luxor to Red Sea
Day 23: Red Sea to Cairo
Day 24: Cairo to Athens
Day 25: Athens to Kavala
Day 26: Kavala to Eceabat via Gallipoli
Day 27: Eceabat to Istanbul
Day 28: Istanbul
Day 29: Istanbul
Day 30: Istanbul to Black Sea
Day 31: Black Sea to Bucharest
Day 32: Bucharest to Transylvania
Day 33: Transylvania to Budapest
Day 34: Budapest
Day 35: Budapest to Salzburg
Day 36: Salzburg to Austrian Tyrol
Day 37: Austrian Tyrol
Day 38: Austrian Tyrol to Munich
Day 39: Munich to Prague via Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site & Regensburg