Welcome to the ultimate Scottish and Irish adventure with a squad of like-minded 27-35s. You'll find warm locals, trendy cities and breathtaking scenery everywhere you turn. On this trip you'll see highlands, bagpipes & whisky go head to head with Irish folk songs & Guinness: it's impossible to choose a favourite, which is why you need to do them both. And with heaps of eye-widening travel inclusions like Blarney Castle and a cruise around Loch Ness, there's no better way than this 13-day journey, starting in Edinburgh and finishing off in Dublin.
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Informations générales
ID de la tour296249
Durée de la tournée13jours
Taille du groupe50
Tranche d'âge27 - 35
Exécuté par
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Day 1: Start Edinburgh
Day 2: Edinburgh
Day 3: Edinburgh to Scottish Highlands
Day 4: Scottish Highlands to Glasgow via Loch Ness and Dundreggan