Set off on a thrilling two-week adventure across three of the most renowned Stans. Discover the breathtaking gorges and secluded villages of Kyrgyzstan, marvel at the vibrant blue and aquamarine-tiled madrassas and mausoleums of Uzbekistan, and uncover the charm of Turkestan, Kazakhstan's hidden gem. Our remarkable journey guides you through the iconic wonders of the Silk Road.Issyk Kul Lake - Experience the life of the nomads sleeping in a yurt and making bread with localsBukhara - Marvel at this well-preserved iconic city and explore rural life outside of its wallsTurkestan - Discover this lesser-known Kazakh city, its surrounding region and rich history
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Informations générales
ID de la tour301926
Durée de la tournée15jours
Taille du groupe16
Tranche d'âge16 - 85
Exécuté par
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Day 1: Join trip in Bishkek and have an afternoon exploring the city
Day 2: Visit Burana Tower. Attend a felt-making masterclass and have dinner at a family-run restaurant
Day 3: Drive to Lake Issyk Kul to sleep in a yurt. Breadmaking in the evening
Day 4: Explore Jety-Oguz Gorge. Learn about traditional musical instruments and drive on to Karakol for a city tour
Day 5: Cross the border into Kazakhstan and explore Kolsai lake and nature park
Day 6: Explore Charyn Canyon on foot before driving to Almaty
Day 7: Tour the wide boulevards and green parks of Almaty. This evening catch the overnight train to Turkestan
Day 8: Discover the city of Turkestan, Kazakhstan’s best-kept secret
Day 9: Bid farewell to Kazakhstan and drive to the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Day 10: City tour of Tashkent and free time in the afternoon. Dinner at a traditional restaurant
Day 11: Morning high-speed train to Bukhara, discover blue-tiled domes and minarets learn about the city's history
Day 12: Another day exploring Bukhara
Day 13: Pottery workshop and meet local villagers nearby Bukhara take bullet train to Samarkand
Day 14: Guided tour of Samarkand’s magnificent mosques and mausoleums