Discover the magic of New Zealand winter on this 19 day small group tour. Begin your journey in the mild tempratures of the North Island and look out as the landscapes change as we head south before finding yourself immersed in the winter wonderlands surrounded by snow capped mountains in the depths of the South Island. This itinerary creates the perfect summary of New Zealand with cultural experiences, geothermal discoveries and relaxing hot pools, you are sure to leave feeling refreshed, rejuvinated and ready for more.
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Informations générales
ID de la tour305001
Durée de la tournée19jours
Taille du groupe22
Tranche d'âge18 - 35
Exécuté par
Kiwi Experience
Point de départ
Auckland Central, Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Lylo Hostel
Point d'arrivée
Christchurch Central, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand