Discover a beautiful and fertile land at the northern gateway to Patagonia – a magical escape of active volcanoes, turquoise rivers, gigantic lakes and ancient native forests. See Andean condors swoop from the cordillera foothills as we cycle on some of the most scenic routes in South America. We’ll also gain cultural insight into both Chile and Argentina, including the European influences and indigenous customs that have shaped the region.Offering a fantastic mix of paved roads and off-road gravel tracks, this two-country cycling route allows you to cross the Andes twice in spectacular fashion. Along with the challenging bike ascents and catamaran rides across Todos los Santos Lake, you’ll also enjoy staying at a charming ecolodge in Conguillo National Park.
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Informations générales
ID de la tour88671
Durée de la tournée13jours
Taille du groupe16
Tranche d'âge16 - 99
Exécuté par
Exodus Adventure Travels
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Day 1: Start Puerto Varas (dinner)
Day 2: Cycle around the edge of Lago Llanquihue to Frutillar (breakfast,lunch)
Day 3: Cycle from Puerto Varas to Petrohue boat ride on the emerald waters of Todos los Santos Lake (breakfast,lunch)
Day 4: Begin the Andes crossing to Argentina lake crossing and some tough cycling sections to arrive at Puerto Blest (breakfast,lunch)
Day 5: Ferry across Lago Nahuel Huapi to Puerto Panuelo cycle to Bariloche (breakfast,lunch)
Day 6: Free day explore Bariloche and ascend the nearby viewpoint of Cerro Campanario (breakfast)
Day 7: Villa Angostura, cycle the first part of the Seven Lakes Route and on to Villa Traful (breakfast,lunch)
Day 8: Short transfer to start point cycle the second part of Seven Lakes Route to San Martin de los Andes (breakfast,lunch)
Day 9: Transfer to Rahue village cycle along the Alumine River transfer to Villa Pehuenia (breakfast,lunch)
Day 10: Free day in Villa Pehuenia (breakfast)
Day 11: Cycle to Icalma Village in Chile short transfer to Melipeuco cycle the lunar landscape of Conguillio National Park (breakfast,lunch)
Day 12: Ride through Conguillio National Park (breakfast,lunch,dinner)